City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan for Future Development and Open House

City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan

City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan

The City of Sebastian is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan to create a future framework involving zoning and code. They are also planning an Open House next month.

“Over the past year, the City staff, along with the public and our volunteer boards and commissions, has been working hard on updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan,” Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director, told Sebastian Daily.

The Comprehensive Plan is the document that provides the vision for the community and determines the framework for the city’s future development. 

Frazier says the city’s comprehensive plan provides the approach and process through 2025. This next chapter will implement the vision 15 years forward to 2040. The Comprehensive Plan 2040 is guided by Florida Statute Chapter 163.3177.

The comprehensive plan is the process in which the city creates and implements the community’s vision. The vision is expressed in the plan as the goals, objectives, and policies, which make up the framework for Zoning and Code updates further down the line.

The plan update begins with an analysis of the existing plan to see what is no longer statutorily pertinent and compatible with the community’s vision.

An analysis of current data include:

The City’s 2040 Plan will look very different from the current plan in style, content, and chapters. The 2040 Plan provides the community vision grouped into seven required Elements consisting of:

Two alternate Elements provide support to the plan and include Public Schools and Economic Development.

City staff coordinated eight Public Engagement meetings with volunteer boards and commissions, including the Natural Resources Board, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the Planning and Zoning/Land Planning Agency. 

The meetings provided the public opportunity to be informed and to provide input to staff for inclusion into the plan. In addition, all presentations and information have been posted on the City of Sebastian website

Public Engagement Open House

A Public Engagement Open House on the City of Sebastian’s Comprehensive Plan 2040 has been scheduled for Dec. 2, 2020, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers.

The Open House will include socially distanced topic tables, map displays, continuous PowerPoint presentations, and staff ready to answer questions, provide information, and solicit input on the Comprehensive Plan 2040.

Please plan on attending one of the two convenient times to assist in the framework for the future. 

“We appreciate everyone’s talent and input towards providing a plan that assists the City in retaining its character while addressing future changes,” Frazier said. 

Please feel free to visit the City of Sebastian website for further information and contact the Community Development Department at any time to provide input, supply data, or express ideas.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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