Indian River County Commissioners Recognize Efforts Against Human Trafficking

Joe Flescher

Joe Flescher

The Indian River County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) recognized the Florida Faith Alliance and Catch the Wave of Hope during the County Commissioners meeting on January 9, 2024. They were acknowledged for raising awareness among Indian River County residents about the pressing issue of Human Trafficking.

Human trafficking, the second-largest criminal industry globally, represents a modern-day form of slavery, where individuals are subjected to control, abuse, and exploitation for financial gain, both in labor and the sex trade.

“I’ve been made aware that there were some comments that, ‘that doesn’t happen in Indian River County.’ Let’s say this, take your head out of the sand, take your head out of the sand,” stated Vice Chairman Joe Flescher.

Disturbingly, children have emerged as the primary victims targeted by traffickers and predators, as highlighted in the 2022 report from the Florida State Alliance to End Human Trafficking.

Florida holds the unfortunate distinction of ranking as the third-highest state in the nation for human trafficking hotline calls and cases of Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation online. This alarming statistic is attributed to Florida’s unique position as a major hub for human trafficking, stemming from its international borders, substantial population, and extensive transportation networks.

Both the Florida Faith Alliance and Catch the Wave of Hope are actively promoting the availability of services and therapy for victims. 

Florida Faith Alliance

The mission of the Florida Faith Alliance is to ignite churches, synagogues, businesses, organizations, and schools and work with law enforcement to fight child sex trafficking.

This presentation aims to raise awareness and provide valuable information on combating human trafficking. For more information about this organization, visit their website or email them at

Catch the Wave of Hope

Catch the Wave of Hope has a mission to prevent the sex trafficking of children through awareness, education, restoration, and legislation. Their vision is to be an empowering voice and defender of sexually trafficked children.

For more information about Catch the Wave of Hope, visit their website or call (772) 291-2222.

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