Sebastian bars can reopen at 50% capacity on Monday

Sebastian Bars

Sebastian Bars

Sebastian bars will soon reopen at 50% capacity, according to Florida’s Secretary of Business and Professional Regulation Halsey Beshears.

Florida bars were shut down throughout the state on June 26 after COVID-19 numbers soared.

Earl’s Hideaway Lounge, Captain Hirams, Tiki bar & Grill, and Pareidolia Brewing Company have remained opened under tight restrictions because of food licenses.

However, businesses like Mash Monkey’s Brewery have remained closed since the end of June because they don’t have a food license. They have provided take-out orders for their craft beers during most of the pandemic.

But starting Monday, Mash Monkeys will again reopen at 50% capacity indoors.

Capt. Hirams is reopening their big stage this weekend. Earl’s Hideaway Lounge is talking about scheduling bands next month or sooner.


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