Sebastian Councilman Ed Dodd Appointed to Serve on Florida League of Cities

Councilman Ed Dodd

Councilman Ed Dodd

Sebastian City Councilman Ed Dodd has been appointed to serve on the Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committee, which focuses on the impact citizens and city leaders have in improving Florida’s communities.

Dodd will serve on the Florida League of Cities 2022-2023 Land Use & Economic Development Committee, one of the League’s five Legislative Policy Committees.

Legislative Policy Committee chairs, vice chairs, and members were appointed by Florida League of Cities President Jolien Caraballo, Vice Mayor of the City of Port St. Lucie.

According to a statement released by Florida League of Cities, Dodd will serve as an advocate for local decision-making throughout the legislative process.

“As a Legislative Policy Committee member, Dodd will help develop the League’s Legislative Action Agenda, which details priority issues that are most likely to affect daily municipal governance and local decision-making during the upcoming legislative session and help League staff understand the real-world implications of proposed legislation.”

For a complete list of committee members, as well as more information on each committee and the League’s legislative policy development process, click here.


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