Be Santa for a Senior in Indian River County

Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gifts

During a normal year, the holiday season can be difficult for seniors, and with the COVID-19 pandemic this year, hundreds of Indian River County seniors are homebound and alone.

Indian River County seniors in need have increased by 77% since the onset of the pandemic. That’s why it is more important than ever for anyone able to participate in Santa for a Senior with the Senior Resource Association to ensure that seniors in our community receive a gift this Christmas. 

How can you help this holiday season?

Purchase a gift from the Santa for Seniors wish list below. Then, deliver your donation to Senior Resource Association by December 11, 2020, or drop them off at one of the gift drop-off locations below. SRA volunteers and staff will deliver all gifts in December. The goal for this year is 655 gifts. 

Santa for Seniors Wish List


For more details about “Be Santa for a Senior in Indian River County” or the Senior Resource Association, contact Angela Bosman at or call (772)569.0760 (x119).


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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