RE/MAX Crown Reality and driving forces, agents Erica Ogilvie, and Francine McElhenny delivered 83 bags of Thanksgiving Dinner fixings, including turkeys, to families in need.
“Without Erica stepping up organizing this year for Re/Max Crown Realty, we probably would not have been able to do this for our families this year as our donations have been down due to Covid. Our families look forward to this every year,” Judy Way of Chub Bucket told Sebastian Daily.
Chum Bucket
Chum Bucket, a food and hygiene pantry, was created 6-years-ago at Sebastian River High School for students in need. They became aware that students were coming to school hungry and realized a real need for a food pantry.
“Getting breakfast and lunch at school, through the free and reduced meal program, is the only time they have a meal. Over the years, we have had anywhere from 70 to 110 food-insecure students that need help,” Way stated.
The Chum Bucket helps many families, and their names are kept confidential. Volunteers pick up donations and bring them to the Chum Bucket.
On Tuesdays, ESE students help pack boxes and love to help other students and enrich volunteers and students in their skills. The enthusiasm of volunteers and students is overwhelming.
The students receive boxes that contain food, sundries, and fresh vegetables from the Shining Light Garden.
“Additionally, along with the students, we also help their families, which can bring our numbers up to 300 or more that we help weekly. We deliver a food box once a week to their home,” Way added.

Hygiene Boxes
During the Chum Buckets’ first year, they discovered that hygiene was also a problem for many food-insecure students. Some of the reasons are that their water has been shut off due to their parent or caregiver not being able to pay the bill, that there was no money to buy soap or shampoo, or that they are homeless.
“We have had some students who are alone and living in their car, or living in a tent or sleeping on a friend’s couch or floor,” Way told Sebastian Daily.
So, in addition to food boxes, the Chum Bucket delivers a hygiene box once a month.
Help By Donating
Volunteers run the Chum Bucket of Sebastian, and all food and hygiene products are donated. Please help give these students the support they need in order to concentrate on getting their education.
Monetary or product donations can be dropped off at the Sebastian River High School’s main office, located at 9001 Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian.
Hygiene Items Needed:
- Bar Soap
- Body Wash
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Deodorant
- Toothbrushes
- Tooth Paste
Food Items Needed:
- Canned Tuna
- Canned Chicken
- Chef Boy R Dee
- Pasta
- Canned Vegetables
If you have any questions or would like to donate, please contact Joanne Holmes or Judy Way at (772) 564-4255, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Or email them at