Did you know the Sebastian Police Department (SPD) offers a Public Safety Cadet program? You’ve likely encountered these cadets at SPD’s COPE Unit events. They often include athletes such as football, basketball, and soccer players, wrestlers, and weightlifters, as well as JROTC members and exceptional students from local schools.
Here are five noteworthy facts about this transformative program:
Fact 1: This program, which has yielded two current officers at SPD with several others interested, is a career-focused mentoring program for young adults. The goal is to transition the cadet into an employee within the first responder’s field. Through education and training delivered by public safety professionals, they are provided with knowledge and practical experience. They focus on teamwork, building character, and developing leadership skills.
Fact 2: The Sebastian Police Department’s Public Safety Cadet program was created in July 2022, replacing the former Explorer Program. The Unit’s identifier, 1143, was intentionally chosen as a tribute to the Chief of Police’s employee number. Informally, the fifteen young adults currently participating in the program have elected to call themselves “Blue Bloods.”
Fact 3: Our cadets get to work directly with various department employees, including police officers, dispatchers, and evidence technicians. They also assist the department’s Community Policing Unit with events such as Movie in the Park and Shop with a Cop. This helps to develop a sense of service and the opportunity to meet new friends and feel good about helping the community.
Fact 4: These teenagers aren’t random high school students needing something to do. The Public Safety Cadets go through a selection process and have to maintain set standards to remain a “Blue Blood”.
For example, there’s an age limitation and a thorough background check. A cadet must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA to fully participate in the program and attend competitions or specialty functions. Ultimately, they must reflect the values and virtues of good citizenship in their personal and professional lives to be considered for the Public Safety Cadet program.
Fact 5: The cadet program relies on donations and grants allocated to the Unit. While cadets engage in different events to raise funds, it’s predominantly through the community’s generosity that the Sebastian Police Department sustains this program. These donations support expenses such as uniforms, equipment, training, and participation in competitive events.
In July, for instance, SPD aims to sponsor the cadets’ attendance at the 2024 Law Enforcement Explorer Academy. This intensive weeklong academy, reminiscent of boot camp, equips cadets with a plethora of skills—a truly unforgettable experience.
So, the next time you spot a teenager donning a gray polo shirt and black pants assisting our police department, rest assured they are our Public Safety Cadets! They’re actively engaged in learning and serving our community. The Sebastian Police Department takes great pride in fostering such a program and in the exemplary representation provided by these cadets.