First-grader set to donate hair to Wigs for Kids on Valentine’s Day

Simon Hall of Vero Lake Estates.

Simon Hall of Vero Lake Estates.

Simon Hall, 6, of Vero Lake Estates, has been growing his hair out for three years to donate it to a nonprofit organization to help others.

Wigs For Kids is a nonprofit organization that creates wigs to support children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, Alopecia, Trichotillomania, burns, and other medical issues.

“He is 6 years old and is in first grade at Liberty Magnet,” Samantha Wheatley, Simon’s mother, told Sebastian Daily.

Wheatley says Simon will donate his hair and wants to throw a fundraiser to help pay the cost to create a wig.

“Every wig that is made is donated, so we took the opportunity to throw a fundraiser and help raise the $1800 that it takes to create a wig and change a life,” Wheatley said.

There will be a lemonade stand in Vero Lake Estates on Saturday, February 8, 2020, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 9425 79th Street.

You can help Simon by donating to his Wigs For Kids page.

Simon will have his haircut on Valentine’s Day at 10956 Salon and Boutique, located at 10596 U.S. Highway 1 in Sebastian.


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