Miss Piggy, a pit bull mix, finds her forever home after being at HALO No-Kill Rescue Shelter in Sebastian for 470 days.
The 4-year-old was brought in as a stray by a handler of HALO on March 2, 2020. When she arrived, she tested positive for heartworms which were treated. Then, in November, she was diagnosed with Mast Cell cancer. Thankfully, that was also treatable.
All of HALO’s caretakers love her like she is one of their own, and while they hunkered in for the long haul, it was always a hope her miracle would come.
Well, on Thursday, Miss Piggy’s miracle came through. The No-Kill Shelter’s staff was overwhelmed with bittersweet emotions as this is what it’s all about for them.
They watched as Miss Piggy smiled for the camera and walked out their doors with her new forever new dad.

“Bless adopters who see beyond the labels and give the best gift to a homeless pet… a home. Miss Piggy, enjoy your life. We were all touched by you and happy to be part of your journey, the HALO No-Kill Rescue staff told Sebastian Daily.
It sounds like Miss Piggy has found her forever person and home.
“Miss Piggy is making improvements daily, and I think trying to settle into her new environment. She is super sweet, and I look forward to helping her adapt to her new life and regain her trust in us humans. She deserves that. We are happy to have her as part of our family. We thank H.A.L.O. and your team for all the work you do and want you to know as hard as it may seem sometimes to you, you are making a difference,” stated Mike Geisking, Miss Piggy’s new daddy.