Local resident writes poem about Sebastian, Florida

Local resident writes poem about Sebastian, Florida.

Local resident writes poem about Sebastian, Florida.

A resident who just moved here last year has written a poem about Sebastian, Florida. We occasionally receive poems from residents and publish them if they meet our editorial requirements.

This one is written by Susie Piper and is called Sebastian, Florida.

Sebastian is an old fishing town with constant new allure.
America up to date, except for the crime.
Ohh things happen EVERYWHERE that aren’t pretty and nice,
but in Sebastian it’s a gentler pace.
They call this the Treasure coast with sunken ships and
No gold or silver pieces have I yet found.
I will tell you what I have discovered though.
This is a community of good vibe.
A place where people care and share.
In general fashion, a sandy revelation at the riverbank.
Mother ocean is just across the bridge, awaiting with mystery
and sundance.
There is wildlife and seabreeze, and a gentle way to live.
So if you’re low on your quota of smiles today, just walk the
Happy faces will greet you, mile after mile.
I feel covered in God’s grace just to live here.

@Susie Piper

Piper, 63, and her husband have lived in Sebastian since June 2022. She described what inspired her to write the poem.

“I was taking a morning walk down along the river when the poem came to me,” Piper told Sebastian Daily.

She’s been writing poems since age 14. She also published a tiny book, Intimate Breath Poetic Prayers, available on Amazon.

Last weekend, local authors Mary and Roy Garton had a book signing at Riverview Coffee, Tea, and Books. Together, they wrote a new book, Life Love Loss, about various aspects of their lives. They, too, are selling the book on Amazon.

Then there’s Julie Collia, a Sebastian poet who wrote about the pollution in our oceans. She wrote her poem to raise awareness of the environment. 


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