We were blessed with a cool breeze early Saturday morning as the Sebastian Freedom Festival Parade began. Indian River Drive was lined up with excited residents waiting for the fun to begin.
While it was a bit awkward having the parade on July 3rd instead of July 4th, people still shouted “Happy July 4th” as the floats went down Indian River Drive. A popular sang that day was Happy Fourth on the Third.
Mayor Ed Dodd, Vice Mayor Jim Hill, Councilman Chris Nunn, and Councilman Fred Jones were all in the parade with their spouses representing the City of Sebastian. Also in the parade were Leisure Services Director Brian Benton, CPRP, and Ron Paul, Leisure Services Clerical Assistant.
Representing the Sebastian Police Department were Capt Timothy Wood, Sergeant Todd Finnegan, Officier Donald Hart, and Lieutenant Robert Vafiades.
Walking tall with Sheriff Eric Flowers were Undersheriff Thomas Raulen, Deputy Chief – Bureau of Administration Milo Thornton, and Deputy Chief – Department of Law Enforcement Lonnie Rich.
Here are a few photos of the Sebastian Freedom Festival Parade. You can scroll through photos by using the left and right arrows.

You can also go to Sebastian Daily’s YouTube channel to watch the Sebastian parade.