Saint Sebastian Catholic Church Celebrates Saint Sebastian with an International Feast and Dance

Saint Sebastian Catholic Church

Saint Sebastian Catholic Church

Saint Sebastian Catholic Church will be celebrating Saint Sebastian with an international feast and dance on Saturday, January 15, 2022, beginning at 5:30 pm. 

It will be an international feast from Italy, Greece, Mexico, Ireland, Poland, and France, to name a few prepared by The Knights of Columbus, The Loyal Order of Hibernians, The Loyal Order of Lady Hibernians, The Linens Ministry, The Food Ministry, and The Eucharistic Ministry.

There will be a 50/50 drawing and entertainment to dance the night away. Wine, beer, and cocktails will also be offered.


Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased at the Church office or by calling (772) 589-5790. Saint Sebastian Catholic Church is located at 13075 US Hwy 1, in Sebastian.

Saint Sebastian 

According to traditional belief, Saint Sebastian was a Christian saint and martyr killed during the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians. Though it did not kill him, Saint Sebastian was initially tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows. 

It is believed that Saint Irene of Rome rescued and healed him. Then after his recovery, he went to Roman emperor Diocletian to warn him about his sins and was clubbed to death. He is to this day regarded with great respect in the Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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