Sebastian Councilman Ed Dodd Addresses Questions from Cub Scouts

Councilman Ed Dodd (in the blue shirt) answers questions from Sebastian Cub Scouts

Councilman Ed Dodd (in the blue shirt) answers questions from Sebastian Cub Scouts

Last week, Sebastian City Councilman Ed Dodd joined a session with Cub Scout Pack 589 to address their questions. The meeting took place on October 5th at the Sebastian Elks Lodge.

Dodd shared with Sebastian Daily, “They were highly interested in what steps the city is taking to protect the environment, how the city creates laws, what is the job of a council member, and what are the biggest problems facing the city.”

Engaging with a council member or mayor is vital to the Cub Scouts’ learning journey. This particular scout pack consists of boys and girls aged 10.

Dodd remarked, “They asked great follow-up questions; for example, when I talked about getting rid of septic tanks, they wanted to understand what it would take to do so, including the cost.”

Dodd praised the children for their sharpness and eagerness to learn more about their local community.

The young scouts also asked Dodd questions about the City Charter/Constitution, the forthcoming Sebastian Centennial celebration, the July 4th Fireworks, wastewater management, and stormwater runoff.

In addition to their session with Dodd, the scouts practiced their skills in correctly folding the American Flag and understanding flag protocols.

Flag Folding
Local Cub Scouts
Local Cub Scouts
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