Sebastian Daily Readers Set Sail to Key West and Mexico

Sebastian Daily Cruise to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico.

Sebastian Daily Cruise to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico.

Several readers of Sebastian Daily will join us on Monday for a 5-day cruise to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico.

We announced the latest Sebastian Daily Cruise on September 24, 2019, and over 40 people from Sebastian have booked.

Sebastian Daily will continue to do reports this week, and we will have two Sebastian journalists staying local to help us cover the news.

We plan these cruises two to three times per year. Our last cruise was in Alaska. We will announce the upcoming cruises for 2020 in a couple of weeks.

We will be broadcasting live from the cruise ship on Monday as it sets sail for Key West. Once in Key West, we will broadcast again from the famous Sloppy Joe’s Bar and Irish Kevins.

Once in Mexico, we will broadcast again and conduct interviews with some of the Sebastian Daily readers.

There are plenty of things to do while on the ship. The activities run all day and evening.

Everyone is welcome to join us on these cruises. As a group, we get better rates and work closely with a travel agent (PostCard Travel Planning).

There will also be a private cocktail party for just our group, and the cruise allows the locals to get to know the Sebastian Daily staff.

We appreciate our readers and local support. See you on our next Sebastian Daily Cruise!


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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