Sebastian River High School Ranked 336th in Florida

Sebastian River High School ranked 336th in Florida.

Sebastian River High School ranked 336th in Florida.

SEBASTIAN – Sebastian River High School was ranked 336th within Florida out of 1,081 high schools, according to the U.S. News & World Report. SRHS is 1 of 5 high schools in Indian River County. This high school ranges from 9-12 grade.

The SRHS graduation rate is 84%, and its college readiness score is 22.5. There are a total of 1,824 students enrolled, and the student-teacher ratio is 18:1.

The total number of economically disadvantaged students is 53%, and their minority enrollment is 44%. All high school students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement coursework and exams. The rate of students who participated at Sebastian River High School was 30%.

National Rankings

Out of 17,245 high schools, Sebastian River High School ranked 8,089 in the National Rankings. These schools are ranked on their graduation rate, performance on state-required tests, and how well they prepare students for college.

Other local High School Rankings

Indian River Charter High School, in Vero Beach, ranked 273rd out of 1,081 Florida High Schools and 5,981st in National Rankings. Their graduation rate 92%, which is quite a bit higher than Sebastian River High School.

Vero Beach High School ranked 305th out of 1,081 Florida High Schools and 7,123rd in the National Rankings. Their graduation rate is 91%, and their college readiness is 25.5.


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