Sebastian’s Integrated Pest Management Workshop & Possible Tax Increase

Integrated Pest Management Systems Public Workshop in Sebastian, Florida.

Integrated Pest Management Systems Public Workshop in Sebastian, Florida.

The Sebastian City Council is holding its 2nd Integrated Pest Management Systems Public Workshop on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 1:30 pm at City Hall, located at 1225 Main Street, in Sebastian.

Why is it so important for everyone to attend this workshop?

While the changes that are being considered to the current pest management plan can have many positive effects, it could also affect the cost of your taxes. Don’t wait until you receive a possible increase on your tax bill to voice your opinion, as it will be too late.

The City of Sebastian would like to hear from all Sebastian residents to:

They encourage anyone with relevant information, questions, or concerns to join the Council Members, and your neighbors, to offer ideas in a free-ranging workshop discussion.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who needs special accommodations for this meeting should contact the city’s ADA coordinator at (772) 589-5330 at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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