South Brevard Lighted Boat Parade

South Brevard Lighted Boat Parade to get underway Dec. 17.

South Brevard Lighted Boat Parade to get underway Dec. 17. (Photo: Pam Hill)

MICCO – The third annual South Brevard Lighted Boat Parade will begin on Saturday, Dec. 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

The Christmas parade is looking for decorated boats to make this event fun. There is no entry fee required, but they do request non-perishable food items for the SeaTow “Stuff A Boat” Food Drive, and an unwrapped toy for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.

The parade route will be on the Intracoastal Waterway from Micco to Grant.

The staging area will begin at 5:30 p.m. from the Sebastian Inlet Marina and will proceed to the Treasure Coast Marina & The Old Fish House Bar and Grill. It will then return to the Sebastian Inlet Marina & The Chubby Mullet.

If you have a boat and want to get creative, signup to participate in the parade by calling Dori at 772-664-8500.

Boats in parade on the waterway between Grant and Micco.
Boats in parade on the waterway between Grant and Micco. (Photo: Pam Hill)

There will be after parties at both The Old Fish House Bar and Grill and The Chubby Mullet. Check out their fresh housemate chowder, snacks, as there will be live music to bring on the holiday cheer.

Due to severe dock damage during Hurricane Mathew, the Treasure Coast Marina will not have boat parking this year.

“The Treasure Coast Marina has too much damage to host the awards ceremony this year, but we decided to go ahead because we’ve had overwhelming requests for it again this year,” said Pam Hill. “It is going to make a loop at The Treasure Coast Marina.”

People can view the boat parade along U.S. Highway 1 or anchored along the parade route.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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