Veteran’s Council of Indian River County: Military Veteran Parking (MVP) at Sebastian City Hall

Military Veteran Parking sign at Sebastian City Hall.

Sebastian City Hall now has 2 Veteran’s Council of Indian River County

Military Veteran Parking spots in their parking lot. These spaces are for veterans with or without a DMV-issued vehicle license plate. 

The Veteran’s Council of Indian River County Military Veteran Parking Initiative is an excellent way of thanking our military veterans for their service, past, and present.

Would you like to add Military Veteran Parking (MVP) to your business’s parking lot?

For a $250 donation to The Veteran’s Council of Indian River County, you will receive:

Military Veteran Parking Signs

It is an honor code system. Therefore, no enforcement will be implemented.

If you would like to add Military Veteran Parking at your business in Indian River County, visit The Veterans Council of Indian River County or call 772-410-5820.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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