Sebastian man tells police he killed 3 people, threatens officers

Man calls police and tells the he shot 3 people in Sebastian, Florida.

Man calls police and tells the he shot 3 people in Sebastian, Florida.

SEBASTIAN – On Thursday, at approximately 10:55 am, a man called to tell the Sebastian Police Department that he just killed three people and was walking down the street actively “looking for other individuals to kill,” according to law enforcement.

According to the affidavit, officers responded to the 500 block of Durant Street and found 57-year-old George Russell Thomas sitting in front of his residence. Officers yelled “police” and ordered Thomas to raise his hands.

Thomas told officers “get out of here” and then began charging them with a hammer. Police gave commands to Thomas to drop the hammer, but he continued towards them. The hammer had a red substance that appeared to be blood, the report said.

“We deployed a less-lethal shotgun, shooting four rounds,” Lt. Timothy Wood told Sebastian Daily.

Ammunition for less-lethal shotguns is usually rubber bullets and a bean bag round. They are being used by police to save lives.

After being shot by the less-lethal shotgun, Thomas turned around and walked back to his residence where he dropped the hammer. Officers rushed and detained Thomas.

“No gun was found. The subject was using the hammer and threatening to kill cops. We believe this was a suicide by cop call,” Lt. Wood said.

Thomas told police that he used ketchup to make it look like he had hit someone with the hammer. When he asked an officer why they didn’t kill him, the officer responded that he was “in the business of saving lives, not taking them.”

Thomas was charged with four counts of Felony Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon on a Law Enforcement Officer. He is being held at the Indian River County Jail on $100,000 bond.

Thomas has a court date scheduled for Friday, February 15, 2019.


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