SEBASTIAN – On Sunday, two vehicles were broken into at Treasure Shores Beach. Police are reminding everyone not to leave their valuables in their vehicles.
“Be on the lookout for people busting open and breaking your windows and stealing all your stuff. It happened to us today at treasure shores beach to our vehicle and another vehicle behind us,” Denise Mahaven told Sebastian Daily.

Car break-ins along beaches are on the rise.
Earlier this month, a woman returned to her car at Turtle Trail Beach Access to find a window smashed. The items stolen were her purse and urn containing her father’s ashes.
“I don’t care about my purse, but my dad’s ashes were in there,” Malorie Beth told Sebastain Daily. Beth is still offering a reward for her father’s urn.

Most people leave their purses or wallets in the vehicle because they don’t want to carry them to the beach. However, law enforcement officials are asking everyone not to leave them in their cars.