“Finally Friday” on Cleveland Street: Live Music, Vendors, Food

Thom Parks Group will perform live during Finally Friday

Thom Parks Group will perform live during Finally Friday

The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Sebastian, is thrilled to announce Finally Friday, a once-a-month community event on Cleveland Street in Sebastian. 

They are scheduled for April 19th, May 31st, and June 28th, and they will all be from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. These fun family events will feature local vendors, food trucks, and live music on Pareidolia Brewing Company’s large front deck. 

Entertainment Schedule

Vendor Info/Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you interested in being a vendor for Finally Friday? A 10 by 10 or truck-size space is available. The cost is $50 for Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce Members and $75 for non-members. No electricity will be available. Sponsorship Opportunities are still available for $200.

If interested in either opportunity, please contact Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Cheryl Thibault at (772) 589-5969 ext. 101 or cthibault@sebastianchamber.com.

The current sponsors include Pareidolia Brewing Company (Bands Sponsor) and Sebastian Daily LLC. (Media Sponsor) and Part-Time Tinting. 


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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