Hidden Sanctuary Village Inc. Race Against Domestic Violence 5K

Hidden Sanctuary Village 5K

Hidden Sanctuary Village 5K

Hidden Sanctuary Village Inc. is hosting a 5K Race Against Domestic Violence on April 18, 2020, at the Sebastian Municipal Golf Course. The race will begin at 7:30 am. All proceeds will go to open a Domestic Violence Shelter in Indian River County.

Even if you are not a runner, please come out and support this much needed great cause. We all know someone who has required this service and had nowhere to turn to get the help they needed or still need.


Online registration is open through Run Vero or by visiting the registration page. Registration will end on April 16, 2020, at 2:59 pm EDT.


The cost to participate in this great cause is $30 per person + a $3.00 sign up fee; the first 100 people to register will receive a t-shirt. All donations are tax exempt.


The 5K Race Against Domestic Violence will take place at Sebastian Municipal Golf Course, located at 100 Brush Foot Dr in Sebastian.


Awards are three deep per category; T-Shirts to first 100 registrants. All Donations Are Tax Exempt.

Packet Pickup

Pre-Race packet pickup will be available on Friday, April 17, 2020, from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm at Runner’s Depot, located at 436 21st in Vero. Or Race Day packet pickup will begin at 6:30 am on the day of the race.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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