July 4th Boat Parade/Flotilla Celebrating Our Freedom

RE/MAX Crown Realty is hosting a 4th of July Boat Flotilla this Saturday, July 4th, 2020, in light of the Sebastian Freedom Festival being postponed until Saturday, September 5th, 2020, due to COVID-19.

Join the RE/MAX Crown Realty family in celebrating America and our Freedom by showing your pride for our country, our freedom, and for the brave men and women who are serving an have served our great nation.

If you have a boat and would like to participate, everyone will be meeting Saturday, July 4th, at 9:00 a.m. at the Sebastian Inlet. Then, they will head south to the Ft. Pierce Inlet.

Please show your pride by decorating your boat, wearing festive clothing, and if you have an American Flag, fly it proudly.

For additional information about this event, email RE/MAX Crown Realty at info@crownrealtyirc.com.

RE/MAX Crown Realty

RE/MAX Crown Realty has always been known for its community consciousness. They have always been committed to creating social change. They work together, creating fundraisers for local and national charities, mobilizing teams of volunteers, and inspiring each other to take action for the communal good.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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