Wintergreen Night Lights at the Environmental Learning Center

Wintergreen Night Lights

Wintergreen Night Lights

The Environmental Learning Center will be hosting their Magical Mangrove Holiday Event on December 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19 of 2020, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. This fun-filled family event is open to the public.

The Magical Mangrove Holiday Event offers guest the opportunity to

Quick Canoe Trips in Lit Mangrove Tunnels

The Environmental Learning Center will be offering 5 canoe trip time slots each night through the mangrove trails, with each trip being roughly 20 minutes. Registration is not required, but it is encouraged as the time slots will fill up fast. in advance.

The cost per canoe trip is $10 per person of any age. Each time slot will have a maximum capacity of 16 guests with 2 people per boat with a guide paddling the boat. Masks are required to be worn for the duration of the trip for other guest and paddlers’ safety.

Quick canoe trip time slots

Walk-ins will be accommodated based on availability, or ELC employees will help attendees register for another night. They will sell out quickly with the limited number of seats available. 

Face coverings are required while at the ELC when you can not maintain six feet of social distancing from other guests.

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