Calvary Chapel is teaming up with the Indian River Blood Mobile on Monday, May 11th from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The Big Red Bus will be parked at the church parking lot located at 1251 Sebastian Blvd.
The Indian River Blood Mobile is asking all donors to make an appointment on their website to ensure social distancing and to limit wait times. To book an appointment, go to, click on Donate Now, Click on Sponsor Name/Code, enter code # 35853, and Search. It will bring up Calvary Chapel’s blood drive on May 11th.
Only a certain number of people will be permitted on the Big Red Bus at any one time. They may bring in more buses, depending on how many people sign up from the community.
Donors will be asked to provide their cell phone number, so they can wait in their car or outside the Big Red Bus until it is their turn to donate blood.
Please donate if you are able.