City of Sebastian to Discuss Mandatory Face Masks for Workers

Face masks

Face masks

City officials will discuss an emergency resolution on Wednesday that could make it mandatory for employees of businesses to wear masks in Sebastian.

The special meeting comes after Indian River County passed an emergency order Friday that mandates workers of businesses to wear masks in unincorporated Indian River County.

According to Sebastian City Manager Paul Carlisle, the city’s resolution for discussion will be similar.

“An emergency resolution of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, to require voluntary compliance of wearing face coverings when in public, requiring that establishments that cannot maintain social distancing of staff to wear face coverings,” the resolution for Wednesday’s meeting states.

If passed, the emergency resolution will require employees to wear a face mask while working in areas visited by the public.

However, at this time, customers of businesses would not be required to wear face masks.

The meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall.


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