Did Sebastian get 60 new COVID-19 cases on Monday? We explain.

COVID-19 Update in Sebastian, Florida.

COVID-19 Update in Sebastian, Florida.

When we saw 60 new cases in Sebastian on Monday, we almost went into panic mode. That’s a lot of cases!

However, there’s an explanation for it.

As Florida health officials track new COVID-19 cases, some patient data can be incomplete, and sometimes for several weeks. If the patient’s city is not listed, they are put into a “missing” category. It is our understanding that Indian River County had approximately 300 individuals in the “missing” category.

On Monday, a lot of the data was filled in, which updated the cities where people live. As a result, it showed 60 new COVID-19 cases on Monday in the City of Sebastian, although the data is not from a single day.

Here’s an update on the number of local positive COVID-19 cases since the pandemic started:

There have been approximately 156 new COVID-19 cases in Sebastian so far in November. That’s about seven new cases per day. We’re not in a crisis, but the numbers are rising.

Florida health officials urge everyone to Social Distance or wear a face mask whenever they cannot Social Distance. Make sure you wash your hands frequently.

Most restaurants in Sebastian still require a mask among employees and customers. We will publish an article about those establishments soon. 


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