Nova Knight’s Coronavirus Video Urges People To Be Safe

Nova Knight's Coronavirus message.

Nova Knight's Coronavirus message.

Nova Knight’s Coronavirus video is by a precious 5-year-old urging people to be safe, which was praised by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“I’m sorry if you can’t go to your play dates,” Nova Knight said in the Coronavirus video.

“Don’t go anywhere. And wash your hands. I’m serious,” Knight said.

The 40-second clip urged people to wash their hands and to stay safe from the Coronavirus.

“I’m really, really serious, so you should do this video every single day,” the young girl said.

Knight told her mother that she wanted to make the video after her aunt, Jennifer Trevors in Halifax, Nova Scotia, thanked children in Canada for not going to the playgrounds and taking steps to help stop the virus.

She intends to watch that video every day, so she knew what to do.

“And then she actually asked me, ‘Will you put me on Facebook Live? I have something I want to say,'” her mother said. “I was like, well, you’re not wearing pants, so I’m not going to put you on Facebook Live, but I will tape a video.”

Nova wasn’t satisfied and asked her mother if they could do more.

“I just don’t think they know how serious I am,” she told her mother.

Nova’s mother sent the video to her grandmother, who was thrilled that she wanted to share the advice. So, the grandmother shared the video.

The 5-year-old’s mother said her daughter has always wanted to help people, and this was a great opportunity. Nova wants to be an emergency room doctor or a physician on a search-and-rescue team when she grows up.

According to WUSA, Nova recorded two more videos. She demonstrates how people should wash their hands, “not too hot and not too cold.” She also shows how people should practice social distancing.

Nova Knight’s Coronavirus advice also drew the attention of politicians who also retweeted her video.


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