Sebastian residents fighting against Omicron, Flu, and ‘Super Cold’

Omnicron, Flu, and Super Cold going around Sebastian.

Omnicron, Flu, and Super Cold going around Sebastian.

Three illnesses are plaguing Sebastian right now, and local physicians are saying, “get the COVID-19 vaccine and booster” in order to remain vigilant against Omicron.

Omicron is a weaker variant of COVID-19 but highly transmissible. Recently, Omicron accounted for nearly 59% of all positive COVID-19 cases nationwide. As of last Friday, four patients were being treated for the virus at Cleveland Clinic, far less than the Delta variant

“Boosters are definitely recommended. There’s good data on the CDC site about positivity rates, hospitalizations, and deaths in unvaccinated, vaccinated, and those with the booster. Booster drops rates way down,” Dr. Mike Venazio told Sebastian Daily.

While current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths, infections are likely to occur with some fully vaccinated people. However, vaccines have remained effective against the variants, including Delta. 

We are also experiencing something called the super cold. Since the common cold was pushed back temporarily because of all the precautionary measures (wearing masks, hand washing) during the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s back stronger than ever. As a result, we don’t have the immunity we once had, making people sicker than a common cold.

People infected with the super cold usually wake up with a sore throat and fever. Some of the symptoms are even worse than COVID. People infected with the super cold begin to feel better in about two days, but it lingers around for a bit. It’s best treated at home with over-the-counter medication.

Also, the flu is back once again after making its disappearing act last year caused by the pandemic. And it is certainly not helping matters here in Sebastian.

Recently, a lot of people in Sebastian have tested positive for COVID. There will be more variants, some weaker, some stronger, so physicians say to get fully vaccinated as well as the booster to remain protected. 

There’s also a short supply of COVID tests right now. 

While most people don’t wear masks anymore, it’s still important to wash your hands regularly and stay away from anyone who may be sick. Although not as bad as last year, we are still in the middle of a pandemic.


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