Sebastian residents frustrated over available COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine

An alert from Indian River County went out this morning informing people of open appointments, but they were full within 24 minutes. Brevard County is going through the same problem.

Residents are becoming frustrated, and many have their doubts if they will ever be able to get the much-needed vaccine.

“I responded in 15 seconds to the ‘alert’ and filled out my info within 1 Minute, and it said all the times were taken at the Fairgrounds,” Sebastian resident David Jamar told Sebastian Daily.

“Someone in the health dept is telling their friends what is going to happen,” Jamar added.

The problem is statewide right now, not just in Indian River and Brevard Counties. There is a short supply of vaccines available, and people are rushing to get an appointment.

“I’ve received two emergency alerts about the availability of appointments at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. I’ve sent the links to my elderly neighbors for whom I advocate, and they tell me it’s impossible to get an appointment. They are well over 75 and have a range of ailments, which would put them at the top of the list for vaccination. They are finding it very difficult,” another resident told Sebastian Daily.

Frustrations are peaking as some residents say people from up north are coming down and taking all the vaccines; others say the health system has failed everyone.

“The Indian River alerting system is for Indian River County only. Each county is providing COVID-19 vaccination information differently, as well as vaccine appointment scheduling. To receive COVID-19 vaccine information regarding when vaccine clinics will be available and how to schedule an appointment, please opt into ALERT Indian River at When a clinic is scheduled, the alerting system will send the information, which may include vaccination site, date and time of vaccination clinic, and how and where to schedule an appointment, to anyone who has signed up for the alerting system. Please note this is not an appointment system or waiting list for the COVID-19 vaccine,” Indian River County Public Health Preparedness Coordinator Stacy Brock said.

Sebastian Daily will stay on top of this issue and report any updates from the health department. In the meantime, please be patient. There are only a small number of vaccines available, but more are coming.


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