FWC Derelict Vessel Removal Program to Remove 7 Boats in Sebastian

A sailboat has been abandoned since Hurricane Irma in Sebastian, Florida.

A sailboat has been abandoned since Hurricane Irma in Sebastian, Florida.

A sailboat that washed ashore near the Tiki Bar & Grill is one of seven boats to be removed in Sebastian, Florida.

The Sebastian sailboat, named Final Destination, has been a local tourist attraction since it was abandoned following Hurricane Irma.

Many visitors from out of town have taken photos using the boat as a backdrop.

“Finally! Thank God. That thing has just been sitting there waiting for the next storm to cause further destruction to someone’s property,” Tiki Bar owner John Campbell told Sebastian Daily.

A state grant from The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Derelict Vessel Removal Program provided $22,000 in funds for the removal of seven abandoned boats in the Sebastian area.

Sebastian Daily spoke with the sailboat’s owner last year about the vessel. He said he was having the sailboat removed.


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