Scientists to collect water quality data from Indian River Lagoon

Indian River Lagoon

Indian River Lagoon (Credit: ORCA)

The 4th annual A Day in the Life of the Indian River Lagoon will take place on Thursday, October 7, 2021. This community-based citizen science and experiential research program are designed to have students, teachers, community volunteers, and environmental partners collaborate to collect water quality data and biological inventories along the 156-mile Indian River Lagoon.

Volunteer citizen scientists use hands-on field techniques to measure chemical, physical, and biological parameters such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, and phosphate. 

Data from all sampling locations will be collected and made available to the general public, including Indian River Lagoon decision-makers. In addition, teachers are encouraged to integrate ADIL data into the school curriculum, science fair projects, and research projects throughout the school year. 

The results will help students, and community volunteers better understand their local ecosystem’s ecological health and the relationship their site has to the entire watershed.

A Day in the Life of the Indian River Lagoon is one of five citizen science projects at the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA), a non-profit organization focused on preserving the Indian River Lagoon through science, restoration, advocacy, and education. 


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