Letter to Editor: Publix throwing away food

Publix throwing away food.

Publix throwing away food.

Dear Editors:

I went into a Publix Store tonight (6/10/2019) around 8:00 pm. I had a craving for some dessert. So, I wandered to the Bakery Section, and there was an employee with an overloaded cart of baked goodies of all kinds.

So, I thought, oh lucky me she’s going to discount them. Well, I asked her, and she stated no discount, we are instructed to THROW THEM AWAY! I thought she was joking!

I questioned why not donate, etc. and was told it is a Corporate/Management decision. Now here’s the worst part, they are dated for 6/11 which is tomorrow! This apparently happens in ALL their departments…..what?

With all the kids that go hungry, seniors who get meals on wheels, homeless shelters, foster programs, women’s shelters, I could go on and on….Publix should be ashamed for the amount of waste which could be used for the good.

‎Kimberly Perna
Sebastian, FL.

UPDATE: Publix contacted Sebastian Daily to respond to the woman who wrote this Letter to the Editor. A spokesperson said: “Everything in the Publix bakery that is not refrigerated is donated when it approaches its expiration date. For the perishable (refrigerated) bakery items, we have a perishable recovery program that we use where the items go to local food banks, because they must be eaten quickly. This same practice is carried over to our other departments (meat/seafood and produce).”


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