Dear Sebastian Daily Editors:
We, the Sebastian Property Owners Association (SPOA) Board of Directors wholeheartedly disagree with your self-serving assessment of Damien Gilliams.
We believe he has breathed new life into SPOA and has been nothing less than professional and forward thinking in all matters.
Working in unison with the new Board, he completely turned our organization around, created a new, innovative and informative website and began the hard work of offering solid solutions to complex community problems.
Your sour grapes Letter to the Editor on October 15th says more about you than it does about Damien.
The record clearly speaks for itself.
When you (Cindy), on the Board, and former President Bruce Zingman ran the organization there were usually only 5 to 8 people in attendance at the North County Library meetings and nothing useful ever got done.
So much for your five years of active membership.
Since Gilliams came on board as President this year, through his positive and common sense approach to leadership, membership is now over 100 and our voices are finally being heard, respected and are making a difference in our community.
And now you and your husband (Adam), who became Vice President and Secretary under Damien, have now become nothing but a negative distraction when extremely important issues need to immediately be addressed and common sense solutions found.
You were unable to get the organization up and running when you were in total control and now you are willing to destroy it with your pettiness.
And finally, all of your allegations and accusations regarding Mr. Gilliams and the minutes of the April meeting are misleading and quite simply untrue.
Your husband’s mishandling of the minutes caused them to be brought to our attention for corrective action.
SPOA Board of Directors