Letters: Does Hilton/Homes2Suite really want to anger residents?

Proposed lot for hotel near Sebastian

Proposed lot for hotel near Sebastian

A letter to the editor was received Thursday, May 11, 2023. If you would like to send a letter, email it to info@sebastiandaily.com.

New Homes2Suite Hotel Near Sebastian

Does Hilton/Homes2Suite Franchise really want to anger the voting residents and environmentalists in the City of Sebastian and Indian River County?

The story published in Sebastian Daily regarding a 3-Story, Home2 Suites Hotel Proposed on Indian River Lagoon near Sebastian raises concerns.

The proposed address for the hotel is 11360 S. Indian River Drive.

Should they allow (under franchise) the Wynne Building Corp and Joel Wynne (Wynne Ranch family and Spanish Lakes developer) to proceed with “shoehorning” a large 3-story 96-room commercial onto a narrow waterfront lot on picturesque Indian River Drive?

Major issues for the city:

The City cannot control the end approvals because the property is 88 yards from the City Limits and therefore controlled by Indian River County.

Why should Hilton/Homes2Suite care?

As you know, the City of Sebastian made national news (by being the first in the country) when 90 plus % of the voters recalled 3 of 5 city council members in 2020. Hilton does not need an uprising in Sebastian because of their Named hotel.

The Good News.

This proposed hotel could be a good addition to Sebastian in a suitable location, like at any available property anywhere on US1 from Rt 510 to the Brevard County line. 

Just not on the Indian River Drive.

The same hotel being built on 9075 Americana Way, at SR60 and Rt 95 has been carefully thought out by a separate developer. That developer:

Maybe Hilton will rethink this decision. Perhaps Indian River County will look closer at this application.

Terry McGinn

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