Letters to the Editor – Celebrating City of Sebastian Event

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor for Oc. 18, 2020.

I was recently contacted by TCPalm for a statement on an event we are having to Celebrate our great City of Sebastian.

I learned a very valuable lesson months ago when I made the mistake of giving TCPalm a statement concerning the recall. I gave them another chance when they called for a interview and again it was totally twisted and they did everything possible to make our City look like a bunch of fighting children instead of a powerful group of residents taking responsibility for their home.

I have never pick up the phone again for TCPalm including to answer questions for this event. Like always TCPalm puts a spin of fear and a negative article against anything Sebastian does that is positive. As far as I’m concerned TCPalm has no idea who we are, and since we took control of our City and got rid of the drama they feel the need to just slam us for everything we do.

I’m thankful we have Sebastian Daily a news source that loves Sebastian and sees and reports on all the great things we do. The residents of Sebastian are leaders not followers and we will continue to make history, and I don’t care if TCPalm likes it or not.

Tracey Cole


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