Letters to the Editor: City Council Meeting, Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

The latest topics include the city council meeting and fire ants at Friendship Park. These are the letters to the editor as of February 2, 2020.

Sebastian City Council Meeting

I was VERY impressed with Mayor Ed Dodd’s running of the meeting. I was VERY unimpressed with Damien Gilliams.

Gilliams likes to talk but has nothing to contribute.

Ron R.

Damien Gilliams

5 minutes in and Gilliams shows his incompetence.

Charles C.

Damien Gilliams

First issue is the fact that most voters in this city of Sebastian do not participate, visit, tune in, or care about what is going on.

Second issue is that new comers fail to ask the people who know the history of council members, who’s who, and what their “Character” is. Are they “Honorable” do they cheat, lie and steal, in their daily contact with the citizens of our city?

Why did it take years of running, posting big red signs, proclaiming how the other members of City Council were not doing things right?

Is that what you think a person running for office should be doing?

Going to almost every meeting, jumping up to the mic, mostly trying to insinuate, that there was something wrong (Damien Gilliams).

Hogging time, wanting face time, to gain some kind of recognition, as a protector of citizens rights.

Well, now we are seeing what we have to deal with.

James S.

Damien Gilliams

Damien Gilliams “borderline” violated sunshine law violations at the citizen board meetings.

How about when he directs the clueless Pamela Parris during meetings on how to vote?

Tiffany M.

Sebastian City Council Meeting

I attended my first City Council meeting. The stand out to me is Damien Gilliams, but for all the wrong reasons. Argumentative when something doesn’t go his way. He obviously doesn’t listen when others are speaking as Mayor Dodd, and others had to repeat themselves on at least three occasions before the 8:00 break.

Jim Hill talking on the topic of herbicides says Roundup is safe, yet scientists and the label on the product contradicts that.

Pamela Parris looked at Gilliams before voicing her votes as if needing his guidance of influence … to the point where Mayor Dodd, after asking her to vote, told her, “Don’t look over at him…”

The other thing I noticed is citizens getting up to address the council wearing board shorts and flip flops.

I am sorry, but the presentation means something. If you want to be taken seriously, you may want to present yourself seriously.

Jeffrey T.

Sebastian City Council Meeting

I literally cringed every time Gilliams spoke. He acted like it was his council! He kept interrupting the Mayor and contradicting EVERYTHING!

I’m glad I didn’t go because I would have told him to shut up on several occasions. He asked so many questions; it was like he had no clue on anything.

He also got upset when Pam Parris was asked to vote before him because she mistakenly voted against his choice on the matter before, and he was pissed.

So the Mayor tells Parris not to look at Gilliams before her choice because she was now confused.

Christina V.

Damien Gilliams

Mr. Gilliams, as he is now branded by me, appears to have some sort of grudge/dislike for law enforcement officers, the law itself, and for not paying his personal taxes on time.

Perhaps he should recuse himself from any involvements with discussing police operations, budgets, and enforcement concerns. And setting tax rates that would surely affect himself and his business interests.

Dave K.

Robert Bedea’s Resignation from Natural Resources Board

How is it that this guy is now claiming to be the “victim?”

What a complete disgrace.

Ann B.

Robert Bedea’s Resignation from Natural Resources Board

Another example of Mr. Man Child (Damien Gilliams) grandstanding and making matters worse. The only way Robert Bedea is a victim is by friendly fire from his buddies on the council.

Man Child should have kept his mouth shut for once and let everyone involved speak. This man has no right to represent our city, in my opinion just for the fact he hit one of our police officers, but not letting all involved speak made the attention worse and again put the spotlight on man child just where he wants it.

The disrespect showed to the police that night from the council was the same as smacking our officers.

Tracey C.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

I have been battling fire ants for 10 years. I am all ears on the “natural approach,” but fire ants are difficult to eradicate.

If you put something on one mound, they pop up again nearby. It is an endless battle. So for all those that say that there are natural pesticides THAT WORK…please share those.

Jenifer C.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Distribute raw old-fashioned oatmeal all around the anthills. Ants will gather and take the grains down into the tunnels and feed them to the queen, as well as eat it themselves.

The liquid in their bodies causes the oatmeal to expand and kill them.

Betty H.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Pesticides and herbicides are horrible for the environment. They get into the water system and damage the ecosystem, which is way more important than getting a bug on your little wittle footsie.

I suggest finding a natural way to treat for bugs with minimal environmental damage.

Jeremiah G.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

More shortsightedness from our wonderful new council members. Councilman Jim Hill clearly points this out in the first meeting when the ban was implemented, and it fell on deaf ears of the others who clearly have an alternate agenda that is not in the best interest of the city or residents of the city.

James M.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

When a youth soccer player falls in a pile of fire ants, you will all be changing your minds. It is easy to say now that you can avoid the ant piles and play safely but, their only going to spread.

It is for the safety of the children.

Summer K.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Wow, Sebastian what did you guys do to yourselves? All park & rec will be shut down. You can only blame yourself for that.

Might want to wake up!

Jessica E.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

This truly is unfortunate to close Friendship Park. How do we expect to thrive as a town and community when we are our own worst enemy?

Our leadership has to do better. We have to want better and vote better.

This is our town, and things like this should be embarrassing.

Ang H.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Just like Jim Hill warned us! It’s caused by the cut back of city maintenance workers!

Jamie K.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Want your kids with pesticides or fire ants? My kids survived ant bites.

I got rid of anthills with hot water.

Mary D.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

I am calling BS on this. Lived in Florida all my life.

Close a park over ants?

Shawn B.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

Sounds like the tree huggers are taking over.

Wayne F.

Fire Ants Close Friendship Park

There are many other ways to treat fire ants without poisons.

Michelle T.

Sebastian Man Says Stranger Returned Missing Wallet

Thumbs up! We still have some honest people in the world.

He should get a free steak or lobster dinner.

Marella P.

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