Obituary – James Byron Cain, 81, of Vero Beach, Florida



VERO BEACH – James Byron Cain, 81, of Vero Beach, Florida, passed away Friday, March 2, 2018, of complications from heart disease and cancer.

Jim was married to Suzanne Bruns Cain in 1957 at Saints Faith Hope and Charity, in Wilmette, IL.

James Byron Cain

James Byron CainJim was the father of three children: James Byron Cain of Traverse City, Michigan, Cyndy Cain Salgado of Chicago Illinois, and Kevin Patrick Cain (deceased). Jim was brother to John (Jack) H Cain, Patricia (Patti) Cain Penn, and Mary Cain Gurry (deceased).

Jim was uncle to many nieces and nephews.

He attended Loras College and proudly served in the U.S. Marines.

He was President of Uptown Federal Savings and Loan in Chicago, Illinois, for many years and later moved to Florida where he and his wife, Susie, developed Indian Trails.

Jim was a talented pianist who loved to travel and spend time with family and friends. Those who knew him well will remember his unique and contagious laugh, his fun sense of humor and adventure, and his “glass is half full” resilient spirit.

A private celebration of Jim ‘s life will be held on April 28th in Vero Beach.


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