No Name Bar Cited by Inspector for Multiple Health Violations

No Name Bar was cited for not washing hands while serving customers.

No Name Bar was cited for not washing hands while serving customers.

The No Name Bar in Sebastian received 17 violations on February 25, 2020, by the health inspector.

“Employee applied hand antiseptic in place of washing hands as required. Bartender, no handwash sink at all at the bar. Observed bartender handling cash, not washing hands when making drinks,” the inspector wrote in the report.

No Name Bar had cooked beef, cooked chicken, and shredded cheese left out longer than 30 minutes at warmer than the required temperatures, while an employee was trying to make tacos.

Other violations include raw food stored over cooked food in one of the freezers, thawed raw pork sitting at room temperature, and soiled and dirty shelves in the coolers.

“In reach-in freezer zip lock raw chicken over cheese and precooked sausage. Raw chicken and beef over cooked pizzas,” the inspector wrote.

“Reach-in cooler shelves soiled with food debris white upright coolers in kitchen,” the report said.

Additionally, the health inspector noted that there are problems with the flooring, and the placement of a chest freezer next to the men’s restroom without a lock to prevent possible contamination.

“No lock to prevent possible contamination from public,” the inspector wrote.

The inspector also said chicken wings were being prepared outside in a “screen cabinet.”

Dead roaches were found in a glass cooler at the bar, behind the ice bin. There were small flying insects in the bar area.

The No Name Bar is owned by Sebastian City Councilman Damien Gilliams, who still owes past due taxes on the business for 2018 and 2019 in the amount of $15,829.71.


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