Smokey’s Place, formerly Heavenly Wings, Set to Reopen Friday

Smokey's Place in Sebastian, Florida.

Smokey's Place in Sebastian, Florida.

Smokey’s Place in Sebastian, located at 709 U.S. Highway 1 where Heavenly Wings used to be, is set to reopen Friday pending approval from the city.

“Will be opening up Friday, still waiting on our sign to get approved through the City,” restaurant owner Tom Largent told Sebastian Daily.

Largent, who also owned Heavenly Wings, said there will be a “limited menu” until more equipment arrives next week.

We drove by Smokey’s Place today and saw work trucks, as well as a truck with the new sign.

“Should have the rest of equipment by the middle of next week,” Largent said.

“It’s worth the trip, it’s that good,” Largent added.


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