Sebastian River High School “Fintastic 5K Virtual Run”

Fintastic 5K Virtual Run

Fintastic 5K Virtual Run

Sebastian River High School Football & Cheer will be hosting a “Fintastic 5K Virtual Run” September 27, 2020 – October 3, 2020. The cost is $35 for 12-year-old and up, $20 for 11-years-old and under.

All proceeds from this event will go toward the Sebastian High School Football and cheer programs. Participants can run, walk, or bike this 5K. Each participant will receive a medal and t-shirt when they have completed the race.

To register to participate in this event, register online from the Fintastic 5K Virtual Run page.

Businesses Sponsorship Levels

Please submit all artwork/logo to Make checks payable to SRHS Football Booster. Mail checks & Sponsor form to SRHS 9001 Shark Blvd, Sebastian, Fl 32958. Call or Text Stacie at (772) 473-9181 with any further questions.


Your donation will offset the cost of Cheer competitions like Nationals and offset football camps and equipment costs.


To add your event, call 772-925-5221.
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