87 degrees and cloudy in Sebastian. Tonight’s low will be 73. Flood watch until tonight at 8pm.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday will have scattered rain, high near 84, overnight low near 73.
Yesterday – we had the most number of cases reported in Florida with over 1,400 cases. It was also the record day of testing! Yesterday, Nearly 55,000 people tested negative.
As Florida opens, we are going to have more daily cases. We will also have more tests than ever before.
Please follow the CDC guidelines. Sebastian is doing good right now with no new hospitalizations or deaths.
Fellsmere is a bit concerning with 11 cases, mostly from this week. It’s something we need to keep an eye on. Barefoot Bay has 2 cases now. If you’re new to angling, the various types of fishing reels on offer can be confusing. But don’t be surprised – choosing the right reel is a dilemma as old as the hills. As any angler will tell you, knowing the pros and cons of each type of reel can make or break your day on the water. Read best types of fishing reels at Fishreeler.com. Thankfully, things are a lot easier than they might seem, and today, you’re going to learn how to choose your own. Which fishing reel is right for you? The three types of fishing reels we covered might serve a similar purpose, but as you just saw, they are very different.
Watch the video above for more information.