It’s 91 degrees and mostly sunny in Sebastian, Florida. Tonight’s low will be near 80 degrees. Rain chance increases on Thursday and Friday.
The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a teacher who was watching adult movies during this online virual class at Sebastian River High School.
There’s a City Council meeting tonight at 6pm at City Hall. It could be one of the last meetings before Damien Gilliams, Pamela Parris, and Charles Mauti are recalled on September 15, 2020.
Sebastian Daily and the Pareidolia Brewing Company are hosting an Open Forum Thursday with the candidates running in the recall election for City Council. It will take place on Thursday at 6pm at 712 Cleveland Street in Sebastian.
COVID-19 numbers are dropping in Florida and in our area, but the number of deaths are climbing again in Indian River County.
Watch the video above for more information.